How to edit or view an existing form?

How to edit or view an existing form?

You may choose to edit or view a form that has been saved for your project. To do so, first navitage to the ‘Form’ page on your ribbon. Here, you will see the list of all forms that you have access to.

Viewing locked Forms

On the right side of each form, you will see the ‘Actions’ icon […]. If you see a lock sign next to the actions icon, this means this form is currently locked in a task. Therefore, clicking on the actions icon will only give you the option to ‘View’ the form. Selecting ‘View’ will take you to the open form page.

Sending or Editing unlocked Forms

If you do not see a lock sign next to the actions icon, the form is free to be viewed, edited or submitted (sent). Selecting edit or submit will take you directly to form or the sent page to submit your form.

For more information on how to edit and submit a form, navigate to the How to start a new form page.