The Crane interface

The Crane interface

Crane has a simple interface composed of a ribbon on the bottom of the screen with 4 main pages, each of which are briefly explained below.

  • Home: The home page enables you to select your project, view your user information and get a quick peak of your tasks. On the home page, you may also make changes to your language settings.
  • Tasks: The Tasks page enables you to view and manage all forms that have been assigned to you or your company. To find out more about the tasks page and how to review forms assigned to you, view the help pages under the Managing your Tasks section.
  • Forms: The Forms page lists all forms on the project visible to your user role. Here, you can get a quick view of the final status of project forms or you can initiate a new form. To find out more about the Forms page, review the help pages under the Using Forms section.
  • FormBox: The Formbox page provides a log of all correspondences that have taken place on the project. A correspondence is defined as the permanent record of any form sent from one individual to the other. To find out more about the FormBox, refer to the help pages under the Using the FormBox section.